Commercial Skylights Perth

Sunlite Skylights commercial skylights are the 'architects choice' and are designed to withstand the rigors of use in industrial and commercial buildings in Perth. Testomy to this, is that Perth builders have been using them for the past 25 years.  Introducing daylight to a building is easy with the large range of available sizes.  A correctly specified Sunlite Skylight will fill any area with clear and comfortable light.

Sunlite Skylights do not compromise on quality, design or structural integrity. They are made to suit all roof types and exceed AS4285-1995, the Standards Australia code set out for the structural requirements of skylights.

All sizes are available either vented or non-vented. The ventilation performance can be increased by including an electric fan in the skylight.

Commercial Skylights BlueSky Installations Brochure Perth

Commercial Skylites Perth - Sunlite


Square Sizes

400 x 400mm

510 x 510mm

600 x 600mm

670 x 670mm

820 x 820mm

940 x 940mm

1140 x 1140mm

1450 x 1450mm

1720 x 1720mm

2350 x 2350mm


Rectangle Sizes

400 x 600mm

400 x 820mm

400 x 1120mm

510 x 820mm

510 x 1120mm

820 x 1120mm

890 x 1450mm

890 x 1720mm

890 x 2350mm

1120 x 1720mm

1120 x 2350mm